St. Ann’s


St. Anne’s Altar Society is a supportive organization to St. Michael’s Catholic Church in Spalding Nebraska.  The society will be responsible for the cleaning of the Church, purchasing approved items for the Church and parish center kitchen, serving funeral dinners and celebrations for the Clergy and Sisters, operating the County Fair Stand, St. Michael’s Fall Auction dinner/bake sale/pies,  and any other request made by the Parish Priest.

St. Anne members are also members of the Grand Island Diocesan Council of Catholic Women (DCCW) which acts with the National Council of Catholic Women to support, empower, and educate all Catholic women in spirituality, leadership and service. A parish representative is appointed and responsible for informing the Altar Society members of DCCW events.

Please contact any of the following people for more information on this ministry!

Current St. Anne’s Officers: Janet Kasperbauer, Ann Bernt, Deb Pfeifer and Mary Glesinger

Current Parish Representative for the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women: Janelle Pritchard