Catholic Daughters of America

Catholic Daughters

“Beyond all these things put on love, which is the perfect     
bond of unity.”
Colossians 3:14

Catholic Daughters of the Americas was instituted by members of the Knights of Columbus over 100 years ago. It has over 70,000 members nationally.
St. Michael’s Local Court, Our Lady of Spalding #2099, supports via donations: Habitat for Humanity, to support the Seminarians and Morality in Media. As an annual event, the Court sponsors the Education Contest amongst all the Spalding students.
Other activities are to: send cards to the sick of the parish, lead a community rosary every 2nd Sunday of the month at 10 A.M. in St. Michael’s, pray for vocations and for Pope Francis at all our meetings, provide and serve a reception for the First Communicants and theirs guest, create and dispense white ribbons at church for awareness of pornography and provide an Honor Guard at funerals for a deceased member.
The Court is open and welcomes new members at any time.